Activate Your Sales

Onsite, Online and On-Demand Sales Management


We are Sales Management Specialists who increase sales people’s performance and improve customer retention through a number of proven methodologies, processes and support tools. SAM ensures success through one-on-one involvement from experienced Activation Managers who accompany the individual sales people or sales managers and coach them through specific challenging situations. We perform this through face-to-face, online and remote contact.


Who does the Sales Management when you, the Owner, is occupied with other important management functions?

What happens when your Sales Manager is away from the field for an extended period of time?

Where do you find experts to teach specific skills for your sales team?

How do you confirm that you have the best strategy for increasing your revenue?

Why can’t this be performed on-demand at a fraction of the full-time cost?


Sales Activation Management Services:

1.   Individual Services:

Situational Assessment    – Analysing the market, the competition, skills (both current and required), the processes, the performance and the risks.

Skills development      – Training per individual or per team
            – Building rapport.
            – Doing effective Needs Analysis
            –  Closing the deal          
                                                          –  Presenting a persuasive and Value Based Solution

            – Objection Handling
            – Financial Argumentation
            – Negotiation
            – Key Account Management
            – Motivation, etc.

Salesperson Coaching  – Travelling with individual salespeople, coaching them and then providing feedback to management on progress and next steps.

Sales Mngr Coaching         – Training and guiding Sales Managers for running meetings, coaching salespeople, motivating staff

Steering Systems         – Creating systems to support your strategy, to monitor activities and results, to guide activity and to assist Customer Relationship Management.

Strategy Consulting   – Developing the appropriate strategy for a market, for specific products, for growing current customers and for acquiring new customers.


2.   Contract Sales Management

  • Providing the above mentioned Services as a temporary replacement, or ‘stand-in' Sales Manager for a short-term period.

  • Terms and conditions apply.

3.  Online & Remote Sales Management

Conducting important Sales Management functions remotely through video conference, telephone calls and online systems for monitoring, tracking and reporting. 


4.  Candidate Sales Managers Assessment, Selection and Preparation


5.   Motivational Sales Presentations:

Humorous but realistic looks at challenges faced by salespeople,
with creative new approaches to achieve targets against future scenarios
and filled with a strong motivational message.

  • Major challenges for salespeople – how to overcome.
  • Sales Principles for the future of Sales and Work.
  • 10 topics to choose from, or your own.
  • 1 – 2 Hours (flexible timing according to your requirement).